Retro animated gif of purple candles with blue fire.

[ES] Hola, hago cosas de arte en internet y esculpo pinto e imprimo en la vida real y luego lo subo a la vida irreal de nuevo ☆

[EN] Hi, I create art stuff on the internet and sculpt paint and print in real life and then upload it to the unreal life again ☆

Puka Muriska

Magic personal sigil called 'The Shapeshifter Sigil'.
Animated retro gif of a ghost.

♡ Bienvenides a mi Pagina ☆ Welcome to my Page ♡

Animated retro gif of a ghost coming out of a colored paper envelope. It says 'Boo' and 'Email'.

Contacto • Contact Me

Argentina: Por ahora, para encargar copias físicas de mis zines o contactarme mandá a este mail. Los zines los hago en casa artesanalmente y hago envíos.

Animated retro gif of a bat standing upside down and blinking.


Tercer Portal • Third Portal

[ES] Desde esta puerta se puede acceder al rincón de Internet en donde comparto un punto de vista específico de una parte específica de mi mundo imaginario.

Retro pixel separator of a skeleton arm.

[EN] From this door you can access the Internet corner where I share a specific point of view of a specific part of my imaginary world.


Retro animated gif of a purple cartoon door being slammed shut.
Retro animated gif of a unicorn inside a glittering crystal ball.


Actualizaciones • Updates

[ES] Ahora mismo estoy construyendo o quizá descubriendo el Cuartel Secreto, cada día cambio alguna cosa en mi mundo imaginario, así que el espacio no está lo suficientemente estable aún como para construirle su lado virtual sin necesitar cambiarla inmediatamente al otro día, pero su manifestación física se está revelando. Sigo trabajando internamente en mapear el lugar.

En otras noticias, tengo ganas de abrir una tiendita de objetos impresos, y empezar a mandar cartas a quienes quieran recibirlas: gente de mi ciudad, de mi país, de mi planeta o de mi sistema solar (contactar para mandar afuera de mi galaxia, quizá encontremos la forma de mandar las cosas).

Retro pixel separator of a skeleton arm.

[EN] Right now I am building or maybe discovering the Secret Headquarters, every day I change something in my imaginary world, so the space is not stable enough yet to build its virtual side without needing to change it immediately the next day, but its physical manifestation is revealing itself. I'm still working internally on mapping the place.

In other news, I want to open a little shop of printed objects, and start sending letters to those who want to receive them: people from my city, my country, my planet or my solar system (contact to send outside my galaxy, maybe we will find a way to deliver the things).

Retro animated gif of a cartoonish Sadako (from the horror movie) trying to come out of her TV but getting stuck.


Atrapasueños • Dreamcatcher

[ES] Esto es una idea que me surgió hace relativamente poco y que de momento actualizo muy super lento. Me gustaba hacer videos cuando era chique. Así que arreglé una cámara VHS y estoy recauchutando y experimentando con videos digitales y analógicos sólo por diversión.

TW:Puede que haya algún video de mí haciendo huevadas, (y con contacto visual), imágenes intermitentes, sangre falsa y esas cosas.

Retro pixel separator of a skeleton arm.

[EN] This is an idea that came to me relatively recently and that I'm updating very slowly at the moment. I used to like making videos when I was a kid. So I fixed up a VHS camera and now I am experimenting with digital and analog video just for fun.

TW:There may be some video of me fooling around, (and with eye contact), flashing images, fake blood and stuff.


Retro animated gif of a purple cartoon door being slammed shut.
Cartoonish animated retro gif of a monkey-like skeleton walking.


Cambiaformas • Shapeshifter

[ES] Acá guardo las fotos de cuando cambio de forma y también parece que mis proyectos de costura. Debería subir mis proyectos de crochet y eso :B también lo actualizo lento porque tengo la mala costumbre de hacer demasiadas cosas a la vez.

TW:Contacto visual, sangre falsa.

Retro pixel separator of a skeleton arm.

[EN] Here I keep the pictures of when I shapeshift and also my sewing projects apparently. I should upload my crochet projects and stuff :B I also update it slow because I have a bad habit of doing too many things at once.

TW:Eye contact, false blood.


Retro animated gif of a purple cartoon door being slammed shut.
Retro animated gif of an emo cartoon angel.


Cozy Corner

[EN] I'll come here to read & talk about movies, games, music, interesting stuff I find around (paranormal, horror, science fiction, fantasy..). Maybe I'll write some weird backstage ideas, let's see what inspires me. I have an imaginary world and I practice magic with it, so I might feel like posting about my spirituality and dream work too to followers only (feel free to send a request if you are interested)


Retro animated gif of a purple cartoon door being slammed shut.